Bleach Knots
After the knots are being tied to the base, we apply a layer of bleach liquid to the knots. It takes out most of the color and leaving a virtually invisible knot. The major advantage is that it can create an undetectable hairline that looks like it’s growing from your scalp. But chemicals used in bleaching can make the knots weak and prone to hair loss.
Provide more natural looking
It make the hair appear as though it is growing from your scalp
Bleaching will weaken the knots which make the hair shed faster
The knots on jet black hair cannot be bleached all

1. Knots can’t be bleached on poly (skin) part
2. The darker the hair, the more difficult it is to fully bleach the knots
3. Bleaching hair from dark to very light will inevitably cause the hair to shed quickly and excessively

Template & Base Size
Hair Type
Hair Length
Hair Color
Gray Hair
Curl & Wave
Front Contour
Hair Density
Hair Direction
Bleach Knots
Base Material Color
Production Time
Template & Base Size
How to make a template and measure the base ? Read more
Gray Hair
How to get the perfect color to match your own natural hair ? Read more
Gray Hair Type
Gray Hair
How to get the perfect color to match your own natural hair ? Read more
Customize my grey distribution and percentage

Front Contour
Determining the proper recession for your hair system is a matter of following the line/pattern of where your padded facial tissue ends and your less-padded cranial tissue begins.
AA is the sharpest, while C is the straightest.
A and CC are mostly ordered for men.
CC and C are mostly ordered for women.
Hair Density
Choosing the correct density is one of the most essestial factors to ensure your hair system looks perfectly natural. Read More
Hair Direction
Customizing a hair system also involves selecting a hair style also know as hair direction.
Base Material Color
To match your complexion, flesh, brown and black base colors are available. If you don’t choose, your hair system will be made in flesh color
Hair Cut
We provide a cut-in and style service after we finish your new hair system. It needs another 3 business days.
Choose One Hairstyle You Want
Production Time
To view more detailed information on production time
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